COVER STORY: Sabinsa – Natural Care for Healthy Hair, by Dr. Muhammed Majeed, PhD
TOP STORY: Interview with Dr. Florian Genrich, Sr. Global Product Manager at Symrise
- Silicone chemicals in cosmetics applications and their implications to the environment, health and sustainability, by Dr. Anwar Sayyed, Dr. Rahul Kulkarni
- Natura-Tec SeaBerry Blue™ Biomimetically boosting SPF and the antioxidant anti-ageing effect, by Ulrike Marx, Kristina Usta, Pascale Goyat, Charlotte Vignal
- Dinner is served – or – how to use food related ingredients for cosmetics, by Fernando Ibarra, Malte Sietzen, Nargiza Cakir
REGULATION AND LEGISLATION: Regulatorische Anforderungen an Packmittel von kosmetischen Mitteln mit Schwerpunkt auf Einsatz von PCR-Materialien von Dr. Sebastian Bertram, Winfried Rämisch, Antonia Mainka, Anja Fischer
EXPERT INSIGHTS: Smell for good Eco-conscious with Fragrances, by Janine Hammer
COMPANY PORTRAIT: norevo – Ihr kompetenter Ansprechpartner rund um natürliche Wachse
EVENT REPORT: SCC L.A. Award Winners Sustainable Cosmetics Summit Paris